At Location Two we have already begun bringing some materials together and a few existing Tiny Houses to the lot and are getting ready to start clearing the land to begin designing and landscaping the community. We are going to need many volunteers at both Location One and Location Two, but we really need everyone's help by making a donation so we can begin the process. Please support our cause and make a small donation now, it will help save many lives. <3

With Thousands of people Wanting and Willing to volunteer, we need a base of operations, an official Office. One where we can facilitate and organize all of the resources offered and to streamline production of our Tiny Houses. As you read this right now, hundreds of thousands of people are crying out for help who tonight, and tomorrow night have no place to go. Some will even die tonight, as we sleep in our warm covered beds thinking about tomorrow, many will take their last breath. Cold, Alone and without Shelter.

The Emperor's Throne

Investing in People


Tiny Houses For Veterans

This is our main Mission and goal, to build Tiny Houses for the Homeless in Los Angeles. As many as it takes! One by one or ten by ten, we will continue to build no matter what. Shelter is a human right as it is to exist, and Shelter is required to survive. We can't do it alone and need your help! Please help us by supporting our work and if you can make a donation! Thank You!

(The How To Video)

Kind of a no brainer, People Need Bathrooms, It's not an option. All of our communities must have facilities, It's as simple as that.

Santa Clarita Valley International Charter School 4th and 5th grade Learners have been building a Tiny House for a Houseless Veteran. 

If You Want to Live in a Better Community...

You Have To

Base of Operations 

We would like to house all homeless veterans. They paid their debts for us, now it's time we return the honor. Tiny houses built by veterans, for veterans who all deserve a place to live.

Location Two


We Need Land.

At this location we are getting ready to build 24 Tiny House Shelters that will serve as the bridge between the gutter and permanent housing for 24 Elderly woman, who will be rescued from the urban jungle of hell known as Skid Row

This 77 Acre property already has existing services and facilities, gardens, greenery and a support staff ready to help these woman and save their lives. All We Need is the Donations to build the houses. Please Help Us by Making a Donation Today!

Until City officials are Willing to provide any of the over 7500 unused properties they 
govern, we must acquire some property ourselves to build tiny house communities 
​where people can rebuild their lives, and We Need Your Help!

With this bad boy we can make regular weekly dump runs, employing the homeless and inspiring themselves to work and clean up our city's trash that plagues the streets. "When one has purpose, anything is possible."

We are building a mobile showertrailer to help so many people get such a basic need, A HOT SHOWER...and We NEED YOUR HELP TO FINISH IT!

Please make a donation NOW so we can finish the build and get it running!

My Tiny House Project LA

We have already begun the construction of the house and now need supplies and materials to continue building this house including hardware, tools, various structural lumber, windows, doors, roofing supplies, plumbing materials, caulking, screws, bolts, paint, electrical items, solar panels, furnishings etc. ​Our school, families, and learners and community would be so grateful to recieve these funds to help a veteran who deserves a tiny home built with love! 

Please make a donation TODAY and Share our Campaign so we can complete our mission and make a real difference in many, many lives! BE a Doer! BE the Change! #ShareTheGood

Spreading Love

Community Gardens

Location One

The Inn Keeper Program

There are More Than 114,000 People Without Homes in LA Tonight? And More Than Half Are Students?

This is one of the most important aspects of of helping the homeless regain their lives and integrate back into society. Learning skills, having purpose and feeling self worth again are crucial to guiding these abandoned souls back to a life of meaning and importance. As a Los Angeles Inn Keeper, individuals will work, learn and train themselves to better their lives, earn a living wage, revitalize their communities and can be proud of themselves and the work they do, as ambassadors of the streets of this great City of Angels. 

*Not Optional


Mobile Dump Trailer

(The Office)

Tiny Houses For The Homeless in Los Angeles

Thousands of requests from people all over the world, begging for a video to show them how i've built these tiny houses is one of my top priorities. This is a solid temporary solution to provide and protect hundreds of thousands of human beings here in the US, who tonight will have no place to go and have been abandoned and shunned by one of the richest societies on the planet. I am not a builder, and neither are millions of other people, but if i can do it, so can you and i will show you how!

~Elvis Summers

Having Community Gardens built for, by and managed by homeless people can bring self worth, purpose, jobs and training, education and bring communities together. A $3 pack of seeds can also feed dozens of people for months.

Build One.

Mobile Shower Trailer